config / .fgfs / Input / Joysticks / T-Flight-Stick-X.xml /
Sébastien MARQUE invert brakes
f54596e 2 years ago
1 contributor
435 lines | 13.969kb
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Buttons 1, 11 and 12 are modifiers

Modifier  |               | button 1            | button 11           | button 12
Hat up    | look up       | zoom in             |  trim elevator up   |
Hat down  | look down     | zoom out            |  trim elevator down |
Hat left  | look left     | reset FoV + heading |  trim rudder left   | trim aileron left
Hat right | look right    | reset FoV           |  trim rudder right  | trim aileron right

Button 2  | heli view     | permanent heli view | show/hide pins      | declutter pins
Button 3  | brakes        |                     |                     |
Button 4  | PTT COMM 1    | PTT COMM 2          |                     |
Button 5  | flaps down    | inHg += 0.01        |                     |
Button 6  | flaps up      | inHg -= 0.01        | control all engines | uncontrol all engines
Button 7  | inc mixture   |                     | control engine 2    | uncontrol engine 2
Button 8  | dec mixture   |                     | control engine 3    | uncontrol engine 3
Button 9  | inc proppitch |                     | control engine 1    | uncontrol engine 1
Button 10 | dec proppitch |                     | control engine 0    | uncontrol engine 0

Mouse mode:
the mouse mode to control aicraft will be disabled, and restored at the end of the session.
Pressing button 2 will also set the mouse mode to control the view direction, and restore its previous
state when back to normal view

      var skipFlightControls = props.globals.getNode("/sim/mouse/skip-flight-controls-mode");
      setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initilized", func {
          print("JOYSTICK set mouse flight control OFF: ", skipFlightControls.getValue());
      }, 1 );
      setlistener("/sim/signals/save", func {
          print("JOYSTICK save mouse flight control ON: ", skipFlightControls.getValue());
      } );

      # determine Nasal namespace for this joystick
      # stored in js[0]
      string.scanf(cmdarg().getNode("module").getValue(), "__js%u", var js = []);

      # array with prop path for each button status
      var pressed_button = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < 12; i += 1)
        append(pressed_button, "/devices/status/joysticks/joystick[" ~ js[0] ~ "]/button[" ~ i ~ "]");

      var previousMouseMode = 0;
      var locked_view = 0;

      var chinese_hat = func (heading, pitch) {
        if (getprop(pressed_button[0])) {
          if    (pitch   > 0) view.decrease();
          elsif (pitch   < 0) view.increase();
          elsif (heading > 0){view.resetViewDir();view.resetFOV();}
          elsif (heading < 0) view.resetFOV();
        elsif (getprop(pressed_button[10])) {
          if (pitch)
        elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11]) and heading) {
        else {
          if (heading) {
            fgcommand("property-adjust", {
              property : "/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg",
              step : 2.0 * heading
          elsif (pitch) {
            fgcommand("property-adjust", {
              property : "/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg",
              step : 2.0 * pitch

      var addSelectedEngine = func (i) {
        printf("engine %d added to joystick controls", i);
        gui.popupTip("engine " ~ i ~ " joystick controlled");

      var removeSelectedEngine = func (i) {
        printf("engine %d removed from joystick controls", i);
        gui.popupTip("engine " ~ i ~ " joystick uncontrolled");

      # key = button identifier as displayed on joystick
      joystick_button = {
        2 : func (pressed) {
          if (pressed) {
            if (getprop(pressed_button[10])) {
              setprop("/sim/marker-pins/master", !getprop("/sim/marker-pins/master"));
            elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11])) {
              var clutter = {
                "airports": 1,
                "pois"    : 2,
                "traffic" : 4,
                "navaids" : 8,
                "fixes"   : 16
              var clutter_sum = 0;
              foreach (var c; keys(clutter)) {
                clutter_sum += getprop("/sim/marker-pins/" ~ c) * clutter[c]
              if (clutter_sum == 1) {
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/fixes",    0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/navaids",  0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/airports", 1);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/pois",     1);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/traffic",  0);
                gui.popupTip("Pins: AIRPORTS + POI", 1);
              elsif (clutter_sum == 3) {
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/fixes",    0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/navaids",  0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/airports", 0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/pois",     0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/traffic",  1);
                gui.popupTip("Pins: TRAFFIC", 1);
              elsif (clutter_sum == 4) {
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/fixes",    1);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/navaids",  1);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/airports", 1);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/pois",     0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/traffic",  0);
                gui.popupTip("Pins: AIRPORTS + NAVAIDS + FIXES", 1);
              else {
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/fixes",    0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/navaids",  0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/airports", 1);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/pois",     0);
                setprop("/sim/marker-pins/traffic",  0);
                gui.popupTip("Pins: AIRPORTS", 1);
              setprop("/sim/marker-pins/master", 1);
            elsif (getprop(pressed_button[0])) {
              locked_view = 1;
              setprop("/sim/current-view/view-number", pressed);
            else {
              locked_view = 0;
              setprop("/devices/status/mice/mouse[0]/mode", previousMouseMode);
              setprop("/sim/current-view/view-number", pressed);
          else {
            if (getprop("/sim/current-view/view-number") > 1 or locked_view)
            previousMouseMode = getprop("/devices/status/mice/mouse[0]/mode");
            setprop("/devices/status/mice/mouse[0]/mode", 2);
            setprop("/sim/current-view/view-number", pressed);

        3 : func (pressed) {

        4 : func (pressed) {
          if (pressed) {
            var comm = getprop(pressed_button[0]) + 1;
            gui.popupTip("PTT COMM " ~ comm);
          else {
            gui.popupTip("PTT COMM ends", 0.5);


        5 : func {
          if (getprop(pressed_button[0]))
            fgcommand("property-adjust", {
              property: "/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg",
              step: 0.01

        6 : func {
          if (getprop(pressed_button[0]))
            fgcommand("property-adjust", {
              property: "/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg",
              step: -0.01
          elsif (getprop(pressed_button[10])) {
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i += 1)
            printf("all engines added to joystick controls");
            gui.popupTip("joystick controls all engines");
          elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11])) {
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i += 1)
            printf("joystick controls no engines", i);
            gui.popupTip("joystick controls no engine");

        7 : func {
          if    (getprop(pressed_button[10])) addSelectedEngine(2);
          elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11])) removeSelectedEngine(2);
          else controls.adjMixture(-0.1);

        8 : func {
          if    (getprop(pressed_button[10])) addSelectedEngine(3);
          elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11])) removeSelectedEngine(3);
          else controls.adjMixture(0.1);

        9 : func {
          if    (getprop(pressed_button[10])) addSelectedEngine(1);
          elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11])) removeSelectedEngine(1);
          else controls.adjPropeller(0.1);

        10 : func {
          if    (getprop(pressed_button[10])) addSelectedEngine(0);
          elsif (getprop(pressed_button[11])) removeSelectedEngine(0);
          else controls.adjPropeller(-0.1);

  <name type="string">T.Flight Stick X</name>
  <name type="string">Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X</name>

  <axis n="0">
      <squared type="bool">true</squared>

  <axis n="1">
      <factor type="double">-1.0</factor>
      <squared type="bool">true</squared>

    <desc>Increase/Reduce Throttle</desc>

    <desc>Rudder Left/Right</desc>
      <factor type="double">1.0</factor>

    <desc>View Direction | reset FoV | reset view direction</desc>
        <script>chinese_hat(1, 0)</script>
        <script>chinese_hat(-1, 0)</script>

    <desc>Orientation up or down / Increase or decrease FoV</desc>
        <script>chinese_hat(0, 1)</script>
        <script>chinese_hat(0, -1)</script>

  <button n="1">
    <desc>Swap first and second views | pins POIs</desc>

  <button n="2">
    <desc>Apply brakes</desc>

  <button n="3">
    <desc>PTT - Push To Talk (via FGCom)</desc>

  <button n="4">
    <desc>Extend Flaps Incrementally</desc>

  <button n="5">
    <desc>Retract Flaps Incrementally</desc>

  <button n="6">
    <desc>Handle mixture | add or remove engine 0</desc>

  <button n="7">
    <desc>Handle mixture | add or remove engine 1</desc>

  <button n="8">
    <desc>Handle prop-pitch | add or remove engine 2</desc>

  <button n="9">
    <desc>Handle prop-pitch | add or remove engine 3</desc>


<!-- end of T.Flight Stick X.xml -->