Ctrl-A Toggle autopilot altitude lock nasal Ctrl-B Toggle speedbrake property-toggle /controls/flight/speedbrake Ctrl-C Toggle clickable panel hotspots property-toggle /sim/panel-hotspots Ctrl-G Toggle autopilot glide slope lock nasal Ctrl-H Toggle autopilot heading lock nasal Ctrl-I Cycle mouse mode /devices/status/keyboard/alt /devices/status/keyboard/ctrl cycle-mouse-mode key-press Ctrl-N Toggle autopilot nav1 lock nasal Ctrl-P Toggle pitch hold nasal Ctrl-R Activate the instant replay system replay dialog-show replay Ctrl-S Toggle auto-throttle lock nasal Ctrl-T Toggle autopilot terrain lock nasal Ctrl-U [Cheat] Add 1000ft of emergency altitude property-adjust /position/altitude-ft 1000.0 property-assign /sim/startup/onground false Ctrl-V Select initial view (view 0) property-assign /sim/current-view/view-number 0 Ctrl-W Toggle autopilot wing leveler nasal Ctrl-X Reset zoom to default property-assign /sim/current-view/field-of-view /sim/view/config/default-field-of-view-deg Ctrl-Z Reset visibility to default nasal ESC Prompt and quit FlightGear /sim/freeze/replay-state dialog-show exit /sim/freeze/replay-state property-assign /sim/replay/disable true Reset FlightGear reset SPACE PTT - Push To Talk (via VoIP) nasal nasal nasal nasal ! Select first engine nasal # Select third engine nasal $ Select fourth engine nasal ' Display a dialog relevant to the tuned in ATC service (if any) ATC-dialog + Let ATC/instructor repeat last message nasal , Left brake nasal nasal - false Chat Menu dialog-show chat-menu / Open property browser /sim/input/property-key-handler nasal /sim/input/property-key-handler nasal : Start multikey command nasal ; Right brake nasal nasal ? Show help dialog nasal @ Select second engine nasal B Toggle parking brake on or off nasal nasal G Gear down nasal nasal H Cycle HUD Brightness nasal I Switch to and toggle alternative HUD types nasal M Mixture leaner true nasal N Propeller Coarser true nasal P Show/Hide Pilot List nasal V Scroll in reverse through views nasal X Increase field of view true nasal [ Decrease flaps nasal nasal ] Increase flaps nasal nasal _ false Compose Chat nasal g Gear Up nasal nasal h HUD Master Switch nasal i Normal HUD nasal j Decrease spoilers nasal k Increase spoilers nasal l Toggle tail-wheel lock property-toggle /controls/gear/tailwheel-lock m Mixture richer true nasal n Propeller Finer true nasal s Fire Starter on Selected Engine(s) nasal nasal v Scroll through views nasal x Decrease field of view true nasal { Decrease Magneto on Selected Engine nasal nasal } Increase Magneto on Selected Engine nasal nasal ~ Select all engines nasal F1 Load flight recorder tape dialog-show flight-recorder-load F2 Save flight recorder tape dialog-show flight-recorder-save F3 Capture screen screen-capture Load panel panel-load F5 true Scroll panel down property-adjust /sim/panel/y-offset -5 F6 Toggle Autopilot Heading Mode true nasal Scroll panel up property-adjust /sim/panel/y-offset 5 F7 true Scroll panel left property-adjust /sim/panel/x-offset -5 F8 true Scroll panel right property-adjust /sim/panel/x-offset 5 F10 Toggle menubar property-toggle /sim/menubar/visibility Toggle fullscreen toggle-fullscreen F11 Pop up autopilot dialog dialog-show autopilot F12 Pop up radio settings dialog dialog-show radios Enter Move rudder right true property-adjust /controls/flight/rudder 0.05 Keypad 5 Center aileron, elevator, and rudder nasal Left Move aileron left (or adjust AP heading.) true nasal Look left property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/left-direction-deg Up Elevator down or decrease autopilot altitude true nasal Look forward property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/front-direction-deg Right Move aileron right (or adjust AP heading.) true nasal 0.05 Look right property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/right-direction-deg Down Elevator up or increase autopilot altitude true nasal Look backwards property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/back-direction-deg PageUp Increase throttle or autopilot autothrottle true nasal Look front right property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/front-right-direction-deg PageDown Decrease throttle or autopilot autothrottle true nasal Look back right property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/back-right-direction-deg Home Increase elevator trim true property-adjust /controls/flight/elevator-trim 0.001 Look front left property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/front-left-direction-deg End Decrease elevator trim true property-adjust /controls/flight/elevator-trim -0.001 Look back left property-assign /sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg /sim/view/config/back-left-direction-deg Insert Move rudder left true property-adjust /controls/flight/rudder -0.05