#!/bin/bash source_path=${1:-"$HOME/scripts/flightgear/source"} job=fgfs function xmlgetnext () { local IFS='>' read -d '<' TAG VALUE # by design, the first TAG/VALUE pair is empty # to avoid infinite loops at end of file parsing we return an error # the next time we find an empty TAG if test -z "$TAG"; then test ${xmlgetnext_firstentry:-1} -eq 1 && xmlgetnext_firstentry=0 || return 1; fi # process $TAG only if necessary local _TAG=$(printf '%q' $TAG) if test ${_TAG:0:1} = '$'; then TAG=$(tr '\n' ' ' <<< $TAG | sed 's/ */ /g; s/ *$//') fi } exit_trap () { rm $apixml } set -e trap exit_trap EXIT apixml=$(mktemp --dry-run /dev/shm/XXXXXXXXXX) wget -qO- --header 'Accept:application/xml' http://build.flightgear.org:8080/job/$job/api/xml > $apixml declare -A code while xmlgetnext; do case "${TAG:0:1}" in ''|'?'|'!') continue;; /) property=${property%/*};; *) if test "${TAG: -1}" != '/'; then property+=/${TAG%% *} fi;; esac case "$property" in /workflowJob/healthReport/score) score=$VALUE;; /workflowJob/lastSuccessfulBuild/url) wget -qO- --header 'Accept:application/xml' ${VALUE}/api/xml >> $apixml;; /workflowRun/action/lastBuiltRevision/branch/SHA1) sha1=$VALUE;; /workflowRun/action/remoteUrl) [[ ${VALUE##*/} = @(flight|sim)gear ]] && code[${VALUE##*/}]=$sha1;; /workflowRun/result) result=$VALUE for path in ${!code[@]}; do if test $(git -C "$source_path/$path" rev-parse HEAD) != ${code[$path]}; then echo "mismatch revision from jenkins info" exit fi done echo "result: $result, score $score" exit;; esac done < $apixml