zkv1000 / Nasal / alerts.nas /
Sébastien MARQUE commit initial
56c0030 7 years ago
1 contributor
86 lines | 3.309kb
var vs_gearup = 300;
var ias_gearup = 90;
var agl_geardown = 1000;
var ias_geardown = 100;
var VNE = 240;

# hash table which contains informations needed to display warning messages and alerts messages
# alerts and warnings keys should be 'alert|warning.message', the keys priority and msg_id are
# placed here for convenience.
# each key is associated with a 2 elements array:
# 0: the text to be displayed
# 1: priority of the message should be <= 20, also used for display duration
# cooked_duration = 21 - priority
var alerts_table = {
    'warning.gears_up':   ['GEARS UP',   10],
    'warning.gears_down': ['GEARS DOWN', 0 ],
    'warning.traffic':    ['TRAFFIC',    20],
    'warning.overspeed':  ['OVER SPEED', 15],
    'warning.stall':      ['STALL',      18],
    'warning.push_down':  ['PUSH DOWN',  17],
    'warning.pull_up':    ['PULL UP',    15],
    'warning.ground':     ['GROUND',     15],
    'alert.traffic':      ['TRAFFIC',    20],
    'alert.overspeed':    ['OVER SPEED', 20],
    'priority': 0,
    'msg_id': '',

var getAircraftDefaultSpecs = func () {
    var d = props.globals.getNode('/instrumentation/zkv1000/defaults');
    d != nil or return;
    if (d.getNode('vs-gearup') != nil) vs_gearup = d.getNode('vs-gearup').getValue();
    if (d.getNode('ias-gearup') != nil) ias_gearup = d.getNode('ias-gearup').getValue();
    if (d.getNode('agl-geardown') != nil) agl_geardown = d.getNode('agl-geardown').getValue();
    if (d.getNode('ias-geardown') != nil) ias_geardown = d.getNode('ias-geardown').getValue();
    if (d.getNode('VNE') != nil) VNE = d.getNode('VNE').getValue();
var inAirCheckings = func {
    if (getprop('/gear/gear/wow')) {
        checkTrafficProximity = void;
        checkAlerts = void;
        GND(); # set XPDR mode
    else {
        if (props.globals.getNode('/sim/multiplay/online').getBoolValue()) 
            checkTrafficProximity = _checkTrafficProximity;
        checkAlerts = _checkAlerts;
        ALT(); # set XPDR mode

var _checkTrafficProximity = func {
    var ttc = 0; # Time To Conflict
    var self = geo.aircraft_position();
    foreach (var mp; multiplayer.model.list) {
        var n = mp.node;
        var x = n.getNode('position/global-x').getValue();
        var y = n.getNode('position/global-y').getValue();
        var z = n.getNode('position/global-z').getValue();
        var ac = geo.Coord.new().set_xyz(x, y, z);
        if (ac == nil) continue;
        ttc = self.direct_distance_to(ac) * 0.5144 / ias; # ias in kt, distance in m, ttc in seconds
        if (ttc < 20) {
        else if (ttc < 60) {

var checkAlerts = void;
var _checkAlerts = func {
    if (stall) set_alert('warning.stall');
    if (pitch > 50) set_alert('warning.push_down');
    if (pitch < -30) set_alert('warning.pull_up');
    if (agl < 1500 and vs < -800) set_alert('warning.ground');
    if (vs < -3000) set_alert('warning.pull_up');
    if (gear and ias > ias_gearup and agl > agl_geardown) set_alert('warning.gears_down');
    elsif (agl < agl_geardown and ias < ias_geardown) set_alert('warning.gears_up');