var APClass = { new : func { var m = { parents: [ APClass ] }; m.system = 'none'; var ap_systems = { # described AP systems to search, if it returns true system is set STEC55X: func contains(stec55x, 'ITAF'), }; foreach (var s; sort(keys(ap_systems), func(a,b) cmp(a,b))) { call(ap_systems[s], [], nil, nil, var errors = []); if (!size(errors)) { msg('found autopilot system: ' ~ s); m.system = s; break; } } m.engaged = 0; if (! contains(data.timers, 'updateAP')) { data.timers.updateAP = maketimer(1, m,[m.system].updateDisplay); data.timers.updateAP.start(); } if (! contains(data.timers, 'AP_blinking')) { data.timers.AP_blinking = maketimer(0, m, m._blinking); data.timers.AP_blinking.singleShot = 1; } var ap_annun = [ 'LATMOD-Armed-text', 'LATMOD-Active-text', 'AP-Status-text', 'YD-Status-text', 'VERMOD-Active-text', 'VERMOD-Reference-text', 'VERMOD-Armed-text' ]; foreach (var elem; ap_annun) { var color = (elem == 'LATMOD-Armed-text' or elem == 'VERMOD-Armed-text') ? 'white' : 'green'; flightdeck.PFD.display.screenElements[elem] .setColor(flightdeck.PFD.display.colors[color]) .setVisible(0); } foreach (var ap; [ 'AP', 'YD' ]) flightdeck.PFD.display.screenElements[ap ~ '-Status-text'] .setText(ap); ap_annun = nil; ap_systems = nil; if (contains([m.system], 'hook') and typeof([m.system].hook) == 'func')[m.system].hook(); return m; }, softkey: func (side, row, a) { if (a or me._locked) return; var _system =[me.system]; var _side = _system[side]; _side[row](); }, systems : { # L: AP FD NAV ALT VS FLC # R: YD HDG APR VNV UP DN none: { updateDisplay: func, hook: func, L: [ func, func, func, func, func, func ], R: [ func, func, func, func, func, func ], }, STEC55X: { hook : func { me.trimTarget = 0; }, updateDisplay: func { var se = flightdeck.PFD.display.screenElements; se['AP-Status-text'].setVisible(stec55x.rollMode != -1 or stec55x.pitchMode != -1); se['YD-Status-text'].setVisible(stec55x.yaw.getValue() != -1); if (stec55x.rollMode != -1) { se['LATMOD-Active-text'].setVisible(1).setText('ROL'); var armed = ''; foreach (var m; [ 'NAV', 'CNAV', 'REV', 'CREV' ]) if (stec55x[m]) armed = m; if (stec55x.roll.getValue() == 4) armed = 'GPS'; if (stec55x.APR_annun.getValue()) armed = 'APR'; if (stec55x.HDG_annun.getValue()) armed = 'HDG'; se['LATMOD-Armed-text'] .setVisible(size(armed)) .setText(armed); } else { se['LATMOD-Active-text'].setVisible(0); se['LATMOD-Armed-text'].setVisible(0); } if (stec55x.pitchMode != 1) { var armed = ''; var active = ''; var reference = ''; if (stec55x.ALT_annun.getBoolValue()) { if (abs(data.alt - afcs.getValue('selected-alt-ft')) < 150) { active = 'ALT'; reference = sprintf('%5d ft', afcs.getValue('selected-alt-ft')); armed = 'ALTS' } else { active = 'ALT'; reference = sprintf('%5d ft', math.round(data.alt, 10)); armed = 'ALT'; } } elsif (stec55x.VS_annun.getBoolValue()) { active = 'VS'; reference = sprintf('%s%4d fpm', utf8.chstr(stec55x.vs.getValue() > 0 ? 9650 : 9660), math.abs(math.round(stec55x.vs.getValue(), 10))); } elsif (stec55x.GSArmed.getBoolValue()) { armed = 'VPATH'; active = 'GS'; } # TODO: ask Octal450 which prop or variable can be used here # elsif (stec55x.???) { # armed = 'PIT'; # active = 'ALT'; # reference = sprintf("%d°",; # } se['VERMOD-Active-text'].setVisible(size(active)).setText(active); se['VERMOD-Armed-text'].setVisible(size(armed)).setText(armed); se['VERMOD-Reference-text'].setVisible(size(reference)).setText(reference); } }, L: [ func { var ap_master_sw = '/it-stec55x/input/ap-master-sw'; setprop(ap_master_sw, !getprop(ap_master_sw)); }, func { var apfd_master_sw = '/it-stec55x/input/apfd-master-sw'; setprop(apfd_master_sw, !getprop(apfd_master_sw)); }, func { call(stec55x.button.NAV, [], nil, stec55x); }, func { call(stec55x.button.ALT, [], nil, stec55x); }, func { call(stec55x.button.VS, [], nil, stec55x); }, func, ], R: [ func { var yaw_dumper_sw = '/it-stec55x/input/yaw-damper-sw'; setprop(yaw_dumper_sw, !getprop(yaw_dumper_sw)); }, func { call(stec55x.button.HDG, [], nil, stec55x); }, func { call(stec55x.button.APR, [], nil, stec55x); }, func, func { # UP (trim) if ( > -15) -= 1; fgcommand('property-assign', {property: '/it-stec55x/input/man-trim', value: -1}); fgcommand('property-assign', {property: '/it-stec55x/input/man-trim', value: 0}); }, func { # DN (trim) if ( < 20) += 1; fgcommand('property-assign', {property: '/it-stec55x/input/man-trim', value: 1}); fgcommand('property-assign', {property: '/it-stec55x/input/man-trim', value: 0}); }, ], } } };