var selectNextWayPoint = func (_me_, command) { var w =; var r =; var c = []; var scratch = '/instrumentation/gps/scratch/'; w.set_latlon(getprop(_me_.map_path ~ '/latitude-deg'), getprop(_me_.map_path ~ '/longitude-deg')); lockSearches(); foreach (var t; ['fix', 'airport', 'vor', 'ndb']) { searchNearestNavaid(t, 3, _me_.map_path); while (getprop(scratch ~ '/has-next')) { r.set_latlon(getprop(scratch ~ 'latitude-deg'), getprop(scratch ~ 'longitude-deg')); append(c, [ w.distance_to(r), getprop(scratch ~ 'name'), getprop(scratch ~ 'ident'), getprop(scratch ~ 'mag-bearing-deg'), t ] ); setprop('/instrumentation/gps/command', 'next'); } } unlockSearches(); c = sort(c, func (a,b) { return a[0] - b[0] }); _me_.mud.wipe(); var action = ''; if (command == 'dto') { _me_.mud.setTitle('DIRECT TO...'); action = 'direct to ' } else { _me_.mud.setTitle('SELECT A WAYPOINT'); action = 'appended to route '; } _me_.mud.add(['CANCEL'], func { _me_.mud.close() }); _me_.mud.add(['HERE'], func { var n = 'instrumentation/gps/scratch/'; lockSearches(); setprop(n ~ 'longitude-deg', _me_.map_path ~ '/longitude-deg'); setprop(n ~ 'latitude-deg', _me_.map_path ~ '/latitude-deg'); setprop(n ~ 'type', 'USER'); setprop(n ~ 'name', 'USER WAYPOINT'); setprop(n ~ 'ident', '---'); setprop(n ~ 'index', -1); setprop(n ~ '../command', command); unlockSearches(); msg(action ~ 'unnamed waypoint'); }); for (var i = 0; i < size(c) and c[i][0] < 18520 and i < 10; i += 1) { # only the 10 nearest and distance < 10NM _me_.mud.add( [c[i][1], sprintf('%s -- DST %.1fNM BRG %03i', c[i][2], c[i][0] / 1852, c[i][3])], func { var n = '/instrumentation/gps/scratch/'; lockSearches(); setprop(n ~ 'longitude-deg', getprop(_me_.map_path ~ '/longitude-deg')); setprop(n ~ 'latitude-deg', getprop(_me_.map_path ~ '/latitude-deg')); setprop(n ~ 'type', arg[0][0]); setprop(n ~ 'query', arg[0][1]); setprop(n ~ 'order-by-range', 1); setprop(n ~ 'exact', 1); setprop(n ~ '../command', 'search'); setprop(n ~ 'index', -1); setprop(n ~ '../command', command); unlockSearches(); msg(action ~ arg[0][0] ~ ' ' ~ arg[0][1]); }, [ c[i][4], c[i][2] ] ); } c = nil;; # allow wrapping; # select the first entry; # select HERE; if (size(_me_.mud.content) > 2); # select nearest navaid if available _me_.largeFMSknob = func (dir) { }; } showSearchResults = func (mud, title, freq, callback) { var scratch = '/instrumentation/gps/scratch/'; mud.wipe(); mud.setTitle(title); while (getprop(scratch ~ 'has-next')) { mud.add([getprop(scratch ~ 'name'), sprintf('%s -- DST %.1fNM BRG %03i', getprop(scratch ~ 'ident'), getprop(scratch ~ 'distance-nm'), getprop(scratch ~ 'mag-bearing-deg') )], callback, [ getprop(scratch ~ freq), getprop(scratch ~ 'ident'), getprop(scratch ~ 'type') ]); setprop('/instrumentation/gps/command', 'next'); };; } var selectSearchType = func (mud, dir) { lockSearches(); var title = mud.node.getNode('title').getValue(); if (title == 'NEAREST AIRPORTS') { searchNearestNavaid('vor', 5); showSearchResults(mud, 'NEAREST VOR', 'frequency-mhz', func { msg('set NAV1 standby freq to: ' ~ arg[0][0] ~ 'MHz'); setprop('/instrumentation/nav/frequencies/standby-mhz', arg[0][0]) } ); } elsif (title == 'NEAREST VOR') { searchNearestNavaid('ndb', 5); showSearchResults(mud, 'NEAREST NDB', 'frequency-khz', func { msg('set ADF standby freq to ' ~ arg[0][0] ~ 'kHz'); setprop('/instrumentation/adf/frequencies/standby-khz', arg[0][0]) } ); } elsif (title == 'NEAREST NDB') { searchNearestNavaid('airport', 10); showSearchResults(mud, 'NEAREST AIRPORTS', 'mag-bearing-deg', func { msg('set HDG to ' ~ arg[0][0]); setprop('/instrumentation/zkv1000/afcs/heading-bug-deg', arg[0][0]) } ); } unlockSearches(); } var showAvailableFPL = func (_me_) { var files = []; var mud = _me_.mud; foreach (var subdir; ['/zkv1000/routes/', '/Routes/']) { # compatibility with zkv500 route store path var path = getprop('/sim/fg-home') ~ subdir; var s = io.stat(path); (s != nil and s[11] == 'dir') or continue; foreach (var f; directory(path)) { if (f[0] != `.` and substr(f, -4) == '.xml') append(files, path ~ f); } } if (size(files) == 0) { msg('unable to find a directory containing routes'); return; } files = sort(files, func (a,b) { a[0] - b[0] }); mud.wipe(); mud.setTitle('STORED FLIGHTPLANS'); mud.add(['CANCEL'], func { mud.close(mud) }); for (var i = 0; i < size(files); i += 1) { mud.add([string.uc(split('.', split('/', files[i])[-1])[0])], loadFPLfromFile, files[i]); }; # allow wrapping; # select CANCEL if (size(mud.content) > 1); # select first entry if exists _me_.largeFMSknob = func (dir) { } }