--------------- -- Options -- --------------- options.timeout = 120 options.subscribe = true options.cache = true options.close = false options.expunge = true options.recover = 'all' options.info = false options.keepalive = 15 --options.starttls = true options.certificates = false dofile(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/' .. os.getenv('IMAPACCOUNT') .. '.lua') dofile(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/' .. os.getenv('IMAPACCOUNT') .. '.credentials.lua') if account1.connect() == nil then return 2 end delete_oldest = function (a) local r = Set {} for _, k in pairs(a.age_table) do r = a.account[k.folder]:is_older(k.age) * a.account[k.folder]:is_unflagged() if #r > 0 then r:delete_messages() end end end -- SYSTÈME D'IMPRESSION authorized_mails = function () authorized = {} dofile(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/authorized.lua') local s = "" for mail, _ in pairs(authorized) do s = s .. "|" .. mail end return "(" .. string.sub(s, 2) .. ")" end set_info = function (subject, from, pdf) local info = { ["colormodel"] = "Gray" , ["colormodel_hr"] = "niveaux de gris" , ["sides"] = "two-sided-long-edge", ["sides_hr"] = "rect-verso bord long", ["papersize"] = "a4" , ["papersize_hr"] = "A4" , ["inputslot"] = "PF500B" , ["inputslot_hr"] = "1" , ["qty"] = string.gsub(subject, "^.*impression%s+(%d+).*$", "%1") , ["pdf"] = pdf , ["prenom"] = authorized[from].prenom , ["phone"] = authorized[from].phone , ["from"] = from , ["mode"] = "" , } local options = { ["court"] = function () info.sides = "two-sided-short-edge"; info.sides_hr = "recto-verso bord court" end, ["long"] = function () info.sides = "two-sided-long-edge"; info.sides_hr = "recto-verso bord long" end, ["recto"] = function () info.sides = "recto"; info.sides_hr = "recto" end, ["couleur"] = function () info.colormodel = "CMYK"; info.colormodel_hr = "couleur" end, ["gris"] = function () info.colormodel = "Gray"; info.colormodel_hr = "niveaux de gris" end, ["bac1"] = function () info.inputslot = "PF500B"; info.inputslot_hr = "1" end, ["bac2"] = function () info.inputslot = "PF500A"; info.inputslot_hr = "2" end, ["a4"] = function () info.papersize = "a4"; info.papersize_hr = "A4" end, ["a3"] = function () info.papersize = "a3"; info.papersize_hr = "A3" end, ["massicot"]= function () info.mode = "massicot" end, ["livret"] = function () info.mode = "livret" end, } if (tonumber(info.qty) > 250) then info.qty = 250 end for option in string.gmatch(subject, "[^%s]+") do if options[option] then options[option]() end end if (info.mode == "massicot") then info.papersize = "a4" info.papersize_hr = "A4" info.sides = "two-sided-short-edge" info.sides_hr = "recto-verso bord court" end if (info.mode == "livret") then info.sides = "two-sided-short-edge" info.sides_hr = "recto-verso bord court" end if (info.papersize == "a3") then info.inputslot = "PF500A" info.inputslot_hr = "2" end return info end generate_script = function (info, spool) local script = '"' .. spool .. info.pdf .. '.print"' local sedcmd = "" for key, value in pairs(info) do sedcmd = sedcmd .. "s/__" .. key .. "__/" .. string.gsub(value, "/", "\\/") .. "/g;" end os.execute("sed '" .. sedcmd:sub(1, -2) .. "' " .. os.getenv("HOME") .. "/printscript.model > " .. script) end inform_user = function (info) local print_time, wakeup_time = 9, 9 for _, wakeup_time in ipairs({9, 11, 16, 18, 21}) do if (tonumber(os.date('%H')) < tonumber(wakeup_time)) then print_time = wakeup_time break end end mode = info.mode ~= "" and ", en mode " .. info.mode or "" os.execute("/usr/local/bin/smsapi 'sms pour " .. info.phone .. ":impression de " .. string.gsub(info.pdf, "'", "\\'") .. " prévue pour " .. print_time .. "h (" .. info.qty .. "," .. info.papersize_hr .. "," .. info.sides_hr .. "," .. info.inputslot_hr .. "," .. info.colormodel_hr .. mode .. ")'") end set_prints = function (r) local results = Set {} results = r:match_from(authorized_mails()) * r:match_subject("(?i)^impression\\s+\\d") for _, mesg in ipairs(results) do mbox, uid = table.unpack(mesg) structure = mbox[uid]:fetch_structure() for partid, partinf in pairs(structure) do if (partinf.type == "application/pdf") then local spool = "/media/nextcloud_db/impression/" local info = set_info( string.lower(mbox[uid]:fetch_field("subject")), string.gsub(mbox[uid]:fetch_field("from"), "^.*<(.+@.+)>.*$", "%1"), partinf.name) pipe_to("base64 -id > \"" .. spool .. info.pdf .. "\"", mbox[uid]:fetch_part(partid)) generate_script(info, spool) done = table.pack(mbox, uid) inform_user(info) end end end results:mark_seen() end --SYSTÈME DE GÉNÉRATION DU FICHIER D'ANALYSE DES SCRUTINS DE L'ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE set_votes = function (r) local filters = { 'ascii2uni -qaI', 'iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8', } local script = '/usr/local/bin/analyse-votes-AN' local results = Set {} results = r:match_subject("^scrutins\\s+AN.*") for _, mesg in ipairs(results) do local command = "" mbox, uid = table.unpack(mesg) local filename = '/dev/shm/set_votes.' .. uid sender = string.gsub(mbox[uid]:fetch_field("from"), "^.*<(.+@.+)>.*$", "%1") local command = { 'nohup', script, '--mail', sender, '--mailconf', string.gsub(script, "^.*/([^/]+)$", "/usr/local/etc/%1.mail.conf"), '--database', string.gsub(script, "^.*/([^/]+)$", "/var/local/%1.db"), '--conf', string.gsub(script, "^.*/([^/]+)$", "/usr/local/etc/%1.conf"), } structure = mbox[uid]:fetch_structure() for partid, partinf in pairs(structure) do if (partinf.type == "text/plain") then local commands = { ["utf-8"] = filters[1] .. ' ' .. filename, ["iso-8859-1"] = filters[1] .. ' ' .. filename .. ' | ' .. filters[2], } local data = "" local file = assert(io.open(filename, 'w')) file:write(mbox[uid]:fetch_body()) file:close() _, charset = pipe_from("sed -rn 's/\r//; s|^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"([^\"]+).+|\\1|p' " .. filename) charset = string.sub(charset, 1, -2) if charset == "" then charset = "iso-8859-1" end --print(charset .. ' : ' .. commands[charset]) file = assert(io.open(filename, 'w')) file:write(mbox[uid]:fetch_part(partid)) file:close() _, data = pipe_from(commands[charset]) file = assert(io.open(filename, 'w')) file:write(data) file:close() search_options = { {["--couleurs"] = "(%x%x%x%x%x%x:%x%x%x%x%x%x)"}, {["--période"] = "([0-9]+/[0-9/]+:[0-9]+/[0-9/]+)"}, {["--liste-députés"] = "liste%s+(des%s+)?députés"}, {["--cible"] = ""}, } local script_options = {} for line in io.lines(filename) do for i, _ in ipairs(search_options) do for opt, regex in pairs(search_options[i]) do local value = string.match(line, "^%s*" .. regex .. "%s*$") if i < #search_options and value ~= nil then table.insert(script_options, opt .. ' ' .. value) opt_found = 1 elseif i == #search_options and value == nil then table.insert(script_options, opt .. ' "' .. string.sub(line, 1, -2) .. '"') elseif value ~= nil then opt_end = 1 end end if opt_found then break end end if opt_end then break end end os.remove(filename) _command = #command for i = _command + 1, _command + #script_options do table.insert(command, script_options[i - _command]) end table.insert(command, '> /dev/null 2>&1 &') end end done = table.pack(mbox, uid) print(table.concat(command, " ")) os.execute(table.concat(command, " ")) end results:mark_seen() end date = os.date('%j') while true do recent = account1.inbox:is_unseen() set_prints(recent) set_votes(recent) local date_ = os.date('%j') if date ~= date_ then delete_oldest(account1) date = date_ end account1.inbox:enter_idle() end